Dr. Anuradha Yadav
Dear Parents,
Delhi Public World School Foundation ventures to enter in Alwar, under the banner of Delhi Public World School. Let us be the part of this Eduventure.Having been in the School education , I had an opportunity to take a deep excursion into the minds of my students and their parents and well convinced with their educational aspirations. Accordingly, a roadmap is being prepared to translate your aspirations into action.
Delhi Public World School Alwar is committed to let the natural curiosity of your child alive and shall teach them to dare to dream big and envision their own constructive future.
We assure to instill optimism, imbibe values and shape down-to-earth personality of your child. So, let your child boast himself/herself as the senior most alumnus of the school.

Louise Khurshid
Delhi Public World School Foundation , Chairperson
Our Indian standard of education is excellent. Our students are amongst the best in the world. They score high on marks – to the extent of securing even 100% in English! But can we truly say that our children are well rounded? Not just masters of marks but also fluent in languages, communication and general knowledge? Have they developed a team spirit and qualities of leadership – which participation in sports ensures? Do they see beyond the confines of their school and home to recognize inequalities around – which participation in social work can help develop? They may be top of the heap in securing marks but can they hold their own in public debates or present themselves admirably in an interview – which participation in debates and elocution and drama ensures? There is so much of the past that was character forming which our schools have discarded or forgotten in the pursuit of High Grades.
Institutions like National Cadet Corps and Scouts and Guides; Institutions like the Social Service League; the Arts, Crafts, Culture and Philosophies of our country that our children are unfamiliar with; the history which is crumbling around us and our children don’t even know what they are losing; all this and more has a lot to offer and must be gathered with care before it is all scattered in the vicissitudes of time.
The Delhi Public World School FOUNDATION, a Dipsites Pedagogy System and Knowledge Initiative pioneered by a group of graduates from the Delhi Public World School who have since made a mark in the world, seeks to take education to a higher level. Not just rote learning and coaching the way to high scores and competitive examinations but an overall holistic comprehensive and focused initiative to produce all-rounded human beings. Of course we intend to maintain the highest standards of education. That is a given. What we emphasize is the road we are taking to get there – perhaps the road less traveled; but a road which we hope is filled with adventure, with curiosity, with wonder. This is a challenge that we at the Delhi Public World School Foundation have taken up in earnest. The wealth of knowledge and experience of our Life Trustees, Term Trustees, Advisory Council and Members of the Education & Resource Council is being harnessed to open our students’ eyes to all the wonderful things that not just this country but the world has to offer. To appreciate art as well as to create it – through Pottery and Painting; Sculpture and Mosaic. To establish their own individual identity through creativity. To not only carve a Printing Block or make Handmade Paper out of rags and waste but also to carry it further by printing on the paper and then on to adding value by making greeting cards, stationery, decorative boxes, etc. Modules are being created for our children to engage in Self Care, Social Service, Animal Welfare and Environment protection. To make them appreciate, understand and anticipate the dire necessity of valuing our depleting wildlife, threatened environment and ecology. To bring to them firsthand knowledge and information of new energy saving techniques and technology – Solar Energy, Rainwater Harvesting and just simple Vermi composting from household waste. They are encouraged to take time off from cramming for exams and tests to take part in Drama, Elocution, Music, Dance and all those varied expressions of impulsive creativity. As to express themselves on canvas or in stone or even just create a bonsai plant or a simple Ikebana. In simple words we want them to be children, leading an exciting child’s life and not be forced to become pre-mature adults! Please join us and be part of our new adventure full of wonder and care.